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Saturday, October 10, 2020

Schools will reopen on these terms after October 15 according to government guidelines

 Schools will reopen on these terms after October 15 according to government guidelines


School open


Schools will reopen on these terms after October 15 :The Ministry of Education of the Government of India has given approval to open schools (schools reopen), colleges. However, whether to open it or not will depend on the state government. The Ministry of Education has tweeted about the guidelines for Unlock 5.0 and informed everything from the area.


New Delhi: The Ministry of Education of the Government of India has given approval to open schools (reopen) and colleges. However, whether to open it or not will depend on the state government. The Ministry of Education has tweeted about the guidelines for Unlock 5.0 and informed everything from the area.



School open


The decision for individual schools or coaching centers will be taken by the governments of the individual states or union territories in consultation with the management of the school or institution. The Department of Higher Education, in consultation with the Ministry of Home Affairs, will decide on the opening hours of colleges and other higher education institutions



Parental approval is also required

Most parents are unwilling to send their children to school until the risk of Covid-19 is completely eliminated. The schools will also need the approval of the children’s parents.



Guidelines for colleges and higher educational institutions

Higher education institutions can only be reopened for PhD Scholars and PG students in Science and Technology. But the class does not start directly.

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